How do I control consumption of protein blocks?
Ragland® Protein Blocks are formulated and processed to ensure correct consumption. The salt level, the consistency of the block and palatability enhancers, such as molasses and flavoring agents, work together to encourage livestock to consume optimum levels.
However, as in all feeding situations, quality of available roughage and the condition of the animals are variables which must be addressed. Generally, to increase consumption, the rancher should move the blocks closer to water and loafing areas. Increasing the number of blocks available will prevent boss cows from denying access to other animals in the herd. Conversely, to reduce consumption, cattlemen should scatter blocks further away from areas where livestock congregate.
Do I need feeders to feed my blocks?
These blocks are designed to be fed on the ground. For cattlemen with large herds spread over a wide area, this is still the best choice, as blocks and hay may be thrown out over large areas where needed. For the smaller grower, we recommend covered feeders, or at least placing the blocks so they don’t sit in water.
When can I feed urea protein?
Urea protein can be fed economically and effectively to ruminant animals such as cattle, sheep and goats. It is essential livestock have roughage and fresh water available at all times.
Should urea protein be fed to calves?
Urea can be digested when the rumen is fully functional. A calf’s rumen generally becomes active and able to utilize synthetic protein when its weight reaches 350 to 400 pounds.
Should I feed urea protein to horses?
No, urea protein is properly digested only by ruminant animals. When cattle and horses are grazing together, Ragland® Kow-Kalf-Kreep Blocks are a better choice, due to the all-natural protein.
Why do I need minerals?
Phosphorus is the most important element in mineral supplements. Here’s why:
- Phosphorus is the mineral that is most likely to be deficient in a cow’s diet.
- The microorganisms in the rumen require a certain level of Phosphorus to function properly. They must have Phosphorus to break down the grass and hay. Phosphorus is a small, but essential, part of the diet and greatly affects how cattle utilize other nutrients.
- Phosphorus is the only mineral that has been shown in university tests to actually enhance the quality of beef.
- Supplemental phosphorus pays big dividends. University studies have shown that adequate levels of supplemental Phosphorus increase the average number of calves produced in a herd and increase the average weight of calves at weaning. More calves with faster, healthier starts mean more profit at sale time.
As illustrated below, field trials have shown supplemental Phosphorus really pays big dividends:
Only one bag per year of Ragland® 12% Mineral will supply the phosphorus to do the job. (*Data derived from field trials reported by Texas Agricultural Extension Service.)
Other minerals, including Potassium, Sulfur and trace elements are also vital to the well being of your livestock.
Potassium levels are low in corn and milo diets, but high in most forages as well as high protein diets. Potassium is the principal ration of intracellular fluid. It is also a major constituent of red blood cells, muscle and nerve cells.
Sulfur is necessary for the synthesis of proteins, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, blood clotting, and endocrine function.
Iron and Copper work together in permitting the animal to form its needed supply of hemoglobin.
Zinc is a component of several enzyme systems and is necessary for bone development.
Manganese is essential to many enzyme systems, bone formation and the reproductive system. Toxicity is unlikely in the typical ration.
Cobalt is a component of Vitamin B12 and deficiencies usually result in anemia, reduced growth and eventual death. Toxicity is unlikely.
Iodine is necessary to prevent goiter and occasional stillbirth.
Selenium is related to Vitamin E absorption. Deficiencies are responsible for white muscle disease in cattle and sheep. Excessive consumption can result in toxicity.
Magnesium is an essential element in a well-rounded feeding program. It is vital for skeletal development; roughly two-thirds of total body Magnesium is found in bone. It also assists in cellular respiration and activates many enzyme systems in the animal.
Phosphorus probably plays a more varied role in the chemistry of living organisms than any single element. Phosphorus is vital in the formation of bones and teeth, it is located in every cell of the body and is crucial to many metabolic processes. Phosphorus also regulates blood chemistry and to skeletal growth.
Does Ragland® have a suggested Mineral program?
Yes, the Ragland® recommended mineral program for most beef cattle herds is straightforward: feed Ragland® Sweet Mag® February through May and Ragland® 12% Hy Phos with Selenium for the rest of the year. For special requirements, Ragland® 4%, 6%, 8%, or 10% minerals may be subsitituted. Each of our supplement lines provide high quality nutrition, and when fed at proper levels, are effective in managing the health of your herd.
*Data derived from field trials reported by Texas Agricultural Extension Service.
How much mineral should cattle eat?
The average cow requires 6 pounds of supplemental Phosphorus per year.
Thus, 50 pounds of 12% minerals or 100 pounds of 6% mineral would both supply the Phosphorus needs for one cow for one year.
I run sheep with my cattle, can I feed the typical cattle mineral to both?
No. Although our minerals do not contain excessive amounts of Copper, the effect of copper on small ruminants is cumulative. Since Copper may be available from other feed sources, we recommend that cattlemen purchase our All Stock 4% for use with cattle and sheep.
Why are Sweet Mag® products included in the Mineral Program?
Cattle must receive adequate Magnesium to prevent grass tetany (or Magnesium deficiency). Magnesium deficiency commonly occurs in the spring when lush, fast-growing pasture, wheat pastures and poor quality hays do not provide adequate levels of Magnesium. Magnesium deficiency may cause loss of appetite, stiffness, nervousness, incoordination, and staggering. Ragland® Sweet Mag® products are a safe, effective, proven and convenient method of preventing losses attributable to Magnesium deficiency.
Fly Blocks with Rabon® Oral Larvicide
When should I put out Rabon blocks?
For the best results, put out blocks two weeks before fly season. They should be fed continuously until the fall when cold weather begins. When starting the program later, begin by thoroughly spraying to eliminate as many adult flies as possible.
I’ve been feeding the blocks, but still notice a few flies. What’s going on?
Rabon works in the manure to kill horn, face, house, and stable fly larvae, but it won’t kill existing adult flies. If your neighbors don’t have a good fly control program, you will never be able to completely eliminate flies.
Can I feed Ragland® Rabon blocks to horses?
Yes, our blocks are safe and effective for horses. Consumption should be monitored initially to prevent over consumption. Recommended for horses on pasture. Confined horses may over-consume due to boredom.
Do Ragland® Fly Blocks with Rabon really work better than competitors’ brands?
Yes. Many other fly products are only effective against one type of fly. Rabon blocks help control horn, face, house, and stable flies. Rabon products are also safe to use with horses and lactating dairy cows. Compare labels—Ragland® Rabon Blocks control more pest species economically.