Breeder Max 8% Phosphorus Mineral

Encourages proper cycling, high conception rates and strong milk production in breeding stock.
Ragland Block’Em with ClariFly

Convenient block prevents reproduction of 4 common flies in manure of treated cattle and horses. With GARLIC.
Ultra Fly Warrior with Altosid

Prevents adult horn fly emergence from manure, with 4% Phosphorus and other minerals.
Fly Blocks with Rabon

Trusted for generations, our blocks deliver safe, effective fly protection for beef cattle, dairy herds, and horses on pasture.
Special Lix and Cash Cow Poured Supplements

Durable tubs in 125lb or 200lb weights provide a convenient, economical way to deliver nutrients and maximize the nutritional benefits of existing forage.
37% Money-Maker Range Blocks

Tough enough for bunk or ground feeding, this highly durable block provides necessary protein, vitamins, and minerals, formulated for all types of ruminants.
Deer and Game Blocks

Ideal for ensuring wildlife health year-round, this highly weather-resistant block provides protein and minerals to bolster wild game growth.
4% All Stock Block and Bag

This highly palatable block offers a convenient way to provide supplemental phosphorus, vitamins, other trace minerals, and more to cattle, horses, sheep, goats, and deer. Additional salt is not required. Contains no added copper.
We’ve built our business and our reputation as experts in nutritional, palatable livestock supplements.
Since 1941, our focus has been on producing the most durable, palatable, and farm-tested supplements in the industry. Our spring products are specifically engineered to help herds recover from the winter months and foster healthy growth throughout the season. Keep your herds growing strong this spring, and see Ragland’s full line of spring-focused bagged, block, and tub supplements online, or give us a call at 888-549-8014 to learn more.